
Purchase High Yield Bond


iShares € High Yield Bond ETF D logo
Acheté x53 à 93,97 €
4 980,25 €
3 Commentaires

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I would like to learn from it. Can you tell me which view you bought and what the idea behind it is?
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High interest phase = securing high interest rates.

The stock market certainly cannot pay me these high interest rates. The risk of a correction is too great.

Low interest rate phase = bond yields will fall and prices will rise. Then I can either continue to receive the high interest rates or realize profits (prices will rise) and reinvest in real estate, for example.

Now I save and build up cash and secure the high interest rates.

For me, all other financial markets such as real estate/shares/gold etc. are too overheated and are at their ATH.

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@Immoinvestor1981 thank you. ☺️
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