
đ——đ—żđ—Œđ—”đ˜ đ—»đ˜‚đ—» đ—Čđ—¶đ—»đ—Č đ—Žđ—żĂ¶ĂŸđ—Č𝗿đ—Č đ—žđ—Œđ—żđ—żđ—Č𝗾𝘁𝘂𝗿 📉❓❓❓

đ—šđ—œđ—±đ—źđ˜đ—Č / 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗯đ—čđ—¶đ—°đ—ž 𝘇𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝗮đ—Č đ—źđ—» đ—±đ—Čđ—» đ—™đ—¶đ—»đ—źđ—»đ˜‡đ—șĂ€đ—żđ—žđ˜đ—Čđ—»:

With today's partly very đ—±đ—Č𝘂𝘁đ—čđ—¶đ—°đ—”đ—Čđ—» đ—”đ—Żđ˜€đ—°đ—”đ—čĂ€đ—Žđ—Čđ—» on the markets in đ—˜đ˜‚đ—żđ—Œđ—œđ—ź and the 𝗹𝗩𝗔, the starting signal for a đ—žđ—Œđ—żđ—żđ—Č𝗾𝘁𝘂𝗿 đ˜ƒđ—Œđ—» đ—Žđ—żĂ¶ĂŸđ—Č𝗿đ—Čđ—ș 𝗹đ—șđ—łđ—źđ—»đ—Ž may now have been given.

We would now like to briefly share đ—±đ—¶đ—Č đ—łĂŒđ—ż đ˜‚đ—»đ˜€ đ˜„đ—¶đ—°đ—”đ˜đ—¶đ—Žđ˜€đ˜đ—Čđ—» đ—Łđ˜‚đ—»đ—žđ˜đ—Č with you:

đ—Ș𝗼𝗿𝘂đ—ș đ—”đ—źđ˜ đ˜€đ—¶đ—°đ—” đ—±đ—¶đ—Č đ—Šđ˜đ—¶đ—șđ—șđ˜‚đ—»đ—Ž 𝘇𝘂đ—čđ—Č𝘁𝘇𝘁 đ˜€đ—œĂŒđ—żđ—Żđ—źđ—ż đ—Čđ—¶đ—»đ—Žđ—Čđ˜đ—żĂŒđ—Żđ˜?

Firstly, the đ˜€đ˜Ă€đ—żđ—žđ—Č𝗿 𝘄đ—Čđ—żđ—±đ—Čđ—»đ—±đ—Č đ—œđ—»đ—łđ—Čđ—žđ˜đ—¶đ—Œđ—»đ˜€đ—Žđ—Čđ˜€đ—°đ—”đ—Čđ—”đ—Čđ—» that has already been in place in Asia for several weeks should be mentioned here. Triggered by the 𝗗đ—Čđ—č𝘁𝗼-đ—©đ—źđ—żđ—¶đ—źđ—»đ˜đ—Č now already dominating almost everywhere, case numbers are now also rising again significantly in Europe and the USA.

On the other hand, with the latest data on đ—œđ—»đ—łđ—čđ—źđ˜đ—¶đ—Œđ—» đ—¶đ—» đ—˜đ˜‚đ—żđ—Œđ—œđ—ź đ˜‚đ—»đ—± đ—±đ—Čđ—» 𝗹𝗩𝗔 there is now also concern, that there could be a change in thinking with regard to the ultra-loose monetary and interest rate policy of the central banks. Investors always react nervously to statements by central bankers in this regard, also with regard to the outlook for the đ—­đ—¶đ—»đ˜€đ—Čđ—żđ—”Ă¶đ—”đ˜‚đ—»đ—Žđ—Čđ—» planned for next year.

đ—Ș𝗼𝘀 đ—žĂ¶đ—»đ—»đ˜đ—Č đ—Čđ—¶đ—»đ—Čđ—» đ—œđ—Œđ˜€đ—¶đ˜đ—¶đ˜ƒđ—Čđ—» đ—˜đ—¶đ—»đ—łđ—č𝘂𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝘂𝗳 đ—±đ—¶đ—Č đ— Ă€đ—żđ—žđ˜đ—Č đ—”đ—źđ—Żđ—Čđ—»?

Here, the 𝗕đ—Čđ—żđ—¶đ—°đ—”đ˜đ˜€đ˜€đ—źđ—¶đ˜€đ—Œđ—» already started in the 𝗹𝗩𝗔 the previous week with the fresh đ—€đŸź đ—­đ—źđ—”đ—čđ—Čđ—» đ—±đ—Č𝗿 đ—šđ—»đ˜đ—Čđ—żđ—»đ—Čđ—”đ—șđ—Čđ—» should be mentioned in particular. In addition to the result itself, it will depend here in particular on which 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝗯đ—čđ—¶đ—°đ—ž the companies will announce for the full year. It will probably depend on whether the đ—˜đ—żđ˜„đ—źđ—żđ˜đ˜‚đ—»đ—Žđ—Čđ—» đ—±đ—Č𝗿 đ—”đ—»đ—čđ—Č𝗮đ—Č𝗿 can be exceeded here by the majority or "only" fulfilled.

đ—Șđ—Œđ—±đ˜‚đ—żđ—°đ—” đ—čĂ€đ˜€đ˜€đ˜ đ˜€đ—¶đ—°đ—” đ—Čđ—¶đ—»đ—Č đ—șĂ¶đ—Žđ—čđ—¶đ—°đ—”đ—Č𝗿𝘄đ—Čđ—¶đ˜€đ—Č 𝗯đ—Čđ˜ƒđ—Œđ—żđ˜€đ˜đ—Čđ—”đ—Čđ—»đ—±đ—Č đ—Žđ—żĂ¶ĂŸđ—Č𝗿đ—Č đ—žđ—Œđ—żđ—żđ—Č𝗾𝘁𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝗯đ—čđ—Čđ—¶đ˜đ—Čđ—»?

First, by the very strong đ—”đ—»đ˜€đ˜đ—¶đ—Č𝗮 đ—±đ—Č𝗿 đ—©đ—Œđ—čđ—źđ˜đ—¶đ—čđ—¶đ˜Ă€đ˜ today in both the VDAX-New and the VIX in the US. On the other hand also by the đ—œđ—»đ—±đ—¶đ—žđ—źđ˜đ—Œđ—żđ—Čđ—» đ˜„đ—¶đ—Č đ—±đ—Č𝗿 đ—„đ—Šđ—œ đ—Œđ—±đ—Č𝗿 đ—źđ˜‚đ—°đ—” đ—„đ—Šđ—Ÿ the 𝘇𝘂đ—čđ—Č𝘁𝘇𝘁 đ—»đ—Č𝘂 đ—șđ—źđ—żđ—žđ—¶đ—Č𝗿𝘁đ—Čđ—» đ—›đ—Œđ—°đ—”đ˜€ in the DAX and Dow Jones đ—»đ—¶đ—°đ—”đ˜ đ—șđ—Čđ—”đ—ż 𝗯đ—Čđ˜€đ˜Ă€đ˜đ—¶đ—Žđ—Čđ—» đ—žđ—Œđ—»đ—»đ˜đ—Čđ—». With today's đ—„ĂŒđ—°đ—žđ—łđ—źđ—čđ—č đ˜‚đ—»đ˜đ—Č𝗿 đ—”đ—Œđ—”đ—Čđ—ș 𝗹đ—ș𝘀𝗼𝘁𝘇, moreover, a đ—§đ—Œđ—œ-đ—•đ—¶đ—čđ—±đ˜‚đ—»đ—Ž now threatens to complete itself in several indices at once.

As an example of this, we have attached a đ˜Œđ™Łđ™–đ™Ąđ™źđ™šđ™š 𝙙𝙚𝙹 đ˜żđ™€đ™Ź đ™…đ™€đ™Łđ™šđ™š 𝙄𝙣𝙙đ™Șđ™šđ™©đ™§đ™žđ™–đ™Ą đ˜Œđ™«đ™šđ™§đ™–đ™œđ™š (see photo).

đ™đ™€đ™Ąđ™œđ™šđ™Łđ™™đ™š đ™Źđ™žđ™˜đ™đ™©đ™žđ™œđ™š 𝙁𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙣 đ™šđ™€đ™Ąđ™Ąđ™©đ™š 𝙱𝙖𝙣 𝙣đ™Ș𝙣 đ™›ĂŒđ™§ 𝙹𝙞𝙘𝙝 đ™—đ™šđ™–đ™Łđ™©đ™Źđ™€đ™§đ™©đ™šđ™Ł, đ™Ș𝙱 𝙗𝙚𝙹𝙹𝙚𝙧 đ™«đ™€đ™§đ™—đ™šđ™§đ™šđ™žđ™©đ™šđ™© 𝙯đ™Ș 𝙹𝙚𝙞𝙣:

-> Are there perhaps positions where I should now realize the gains of the last few months❔.

-> Are there any opportunities to invest countercyclically in stocks where I have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity to enter?

-> Are there already existing positions where I would like to take advantage of a possible correction to buy up❔?

-> And is the sidelines perhaps the better place for me at the moment, before I let my emotion guide my decisions too much❔

As always, we wish you well in your decisions and 𝗳𝗿đ—Č𝘂đ—Čđ—» đ˜‚đ—»đ˜€ 𝗼𝘂𝗳 𝗘𝘂𝗿đ—Č 𝗠đ—Čđ—¶đ—»đ˜‚đ—»đ—Ž on the current topic.

We wish you a relaxing end of the day! Magnus & Sören 🌈📈

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