7 Commentaires

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It's going to be great! Flo Pharell comes to earth dressed as an angel in a white robe and makes it rain money. WHAT COULD GO WRONG
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@Thommy98 I have already made over 22k in profits with Bico (then still Cellink). I still hold a small part and am also well in the plus.
I think you're just talking about something to be "funny" and have no idea about the companies in the Bico Group.......

I think it's ridiculous now to bring this Pharell into play with conscience stocks. Have you had a bad experience with him? Then come to terms with it and own up to your mistakes instead of blaming others for your stupidity. 🦍
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That's good for you 😂 Nevertheless, it's a garbage company and not a good one! And about Pharell: of course he is the reason why people without a clue get into copy trading, buy memecoins and make very questionable financial decisions. (Not me god bless)
It has also been documented long and wide that he aggressively advertises and few normal people get up in the morning and say oh Bico yes that's a solid company I'm going in for a long/medium time. The author is welcome to write how he came across Bico ❤️👊🏻😉😉
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@Thommy98 It's your own fault if you go public without a clue. Learning by doing 😎🤞🏼

How do you determine your "bad garbage company" rating? Share your knowledge with me.
Thank you
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What do I count? The market does everything itself, as you can see! Good luck to the Bico shareholders 😂
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It has aged well, or not, depending on your perspective
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Yes, I think so too :)
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