I think that acwi and s&p are quite redundant since in acwi more than 65% is focused on American market. So this mean that you have like 50% of USA in your portfolio. So I think that if the idea was to slightly reduce the USA % of the portfolio than acwi imi, you did a great job. It will also be easy to manage during time!
@TheRealSimone thanks for the answer. I was aware of that, but personally i believe that US economy will continue to grow the next 20y that's why i wanted to have a greater percentage into US market. Other than that? Does it look fine to you?
More or less it is equivalent to acwi imi with less USA (in acwi imi usa Wright 65%), more Europe and more EM. I think it can be a good portfolio if you think that USA will remain the driver economy but you also want to reduce a bit the USA size in the portfolio and be able to catch also increases in other markets (since em are a part non that small of the portfolio you might have more volatility than an acwi imi)
@TheRealSimone after thinking i make the following switch. Europe Stoxx600 to 25% and MSCI ACWI to 15%. Like that i reduce the percentage to US but introducing EM and Europe more into play. Thank for the conversation.