
Bye Bye Binance

Some of you have surely heard the rumors: from "US politicians are planning an act of revenge against Binance because of the FTX disaster" to "Binance is accused of money laundering" to "Binance is insolvent, customers' deposits are gone" you have read everything today.

@FDIVIB had written about it this morning already briefly and succinctly on GetQuin: https://app.getquin.com/activity/nsytVgWIvc . A guy with a blue hook (A BLUE HOOK!!!) and a bit of reach on Twitter, spreads neat FUD: https://twitter.com/mikealfred/status/1602461226550063105 And also some more or less serious media, like heise.de, report about it: https://www.heise.de/news/Ermittlungen-gegen-Kryptoboerse-Binance-Justizbehoerden-uneinig-ueber-Beweislage-7392562.html

Binance is currently the largest exchange for cryptocurrencies. If Binance goes under, it will make much bigger waves, cause bankruptcies and drag down crypto and bitcoin prices as well. There will be a lot of blood on the blockchain. Bitcoin will survive (see also my post "Bitcoin is crypto and crypto is dead. Long Live Bitcoin!" https://app.getquin.com/activity/FYtgJmTHNP ).

Personally, I think an insolvency of Binance is relatively unlikely. However, it is not out of the question. It wouldn't be the first major exchange to become insolvent. The Mt. Gox hack in 2014 is unforgettable, in which investors (including a certain GetQuin donkey) lost their deposits and which resulted in years of legal proceedings. At least the creditors can now hope to get at least part of their deposits back in 2023.

Nevertheless, I took this as an opportunity to calmly and relaxedly transfer my last remaining coins from Binance to my hardware wallet - which, by the way, was all possible without any problems. No trace of insolvency.

Specifically, I still had my $HBAR (-0,03 %) coins on Binance. My hardware wallet only supported a beta version for a long time, which is why I was in no hurry to transfer the coins. In the meantime, however, there is a regular version. So today I created a https://www.hashpack.app/ Hedera account and sent my tokens to my wallet. Now only the staking in combination with Ledger has to work, then I'm happy. But on Binance anyway there was only 0.5% interest on $HBAR (-0,03 %) Deposits, so no big loss.

Then I still had a few $BUSD (+0,05 %) lying on Binance. This is my version to bet against the Euro and on the USD (worked) and at the same time still good to pick up interest. But they have been lowered more and more in the last months. Which is why it didn't bother me to withdraw my coins here either. These I exchanged before but still against $ETH (+0,01 %) . Wanted there, on occasion, anyway still put a few euros. So why not now? The annoying thing was only that I had to be verified before at Binance (now for the 3rd time 😏). What do you do not everything.

Last but not least I had a few $BTC (-0,88 %) from a gambling with Binance Dual-Investment lying around, whose value had halved in the meantime. Since Bitcoin flies to the moon by 2025 and recovers the loss, I also saw no point in not sending it to my hardware wallet.

On Binance are now only a few $BNB (-1,45 %) (not tracked in my GetQuin portfolio). But they can stay there. If Binance goes down, goes $BNB (-1,45 %) goes with it. So there is no reason to store them somewhere else.

Even though, as I said, I think the risk of Binance going bankrupt is relatively low, it feels good to finally have the remaining coins safely stored on my hardware wallet. I completely don't care what happens to Binance with this. Bye Bye Binance 🙂.

Based on the news in the last few weeks, who has decided to transfer their coins to their own wallet after all? Or who is at least thinking about it?

If you are a big fan of centralized exchanges and now really want to invest in Binance, take a look at my profile. There you will find an invitation link for Binance 😁🚀

36 Commentaires

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I now simply assume Binance has a certain resilience. They have also never offered abnormal returns, although some projects have not gone badly via their crowdinvest. Nexo with its 10/12% return on stablecoins was also macabre. I don't have much to do with crypto anymore, but I can imagine using the Binance card at the moment.
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As I said yesterday under the said contribution to the best: If something like this happens there is really no reason to be surprised. Anyone who has not learned anything from the recent past and believes that the remaining exchanges are safe from now until eternity, is lost. It's simply safer to sleep with hardware wallet 🥰
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Hey... habs only marginally noticed, because just not affected...! Was eh around US User about #binance 😎 can also affect other regions...
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@DonkeyInvestor You ordered these from Wish!
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What FUD against Binance😂😂😂
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@Jeromsko the Twitter link in my post
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@MZRLA Like I'm going to tell you where I get my crystal balls from. If everyone knew what I know, my life would be so much more boring 🤦
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@MZRLA I think I've answered the question of where I get my glass balls quite reasonably 🤷!? I don't want to share the secret with you. If your question wasn't precise enough and you actually want to know why Bitcoin will land on the moon in 2025, that would of course be something else. I would be willing to provide information here 🙂
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@MZRLA What makes you think I'm a BTC Maxi?
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I also deducted vet and xrp today, now I have about 2k left. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it.
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@MZRLA 2024 is the halving, historically there has been a good upward trend after this event with a delay. So 2025 is not unrealistic, but of course it is not a guarantee.
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@MZRLA If you're the best, you don't have to hide, do you 😎?

So, seriously now: I obviously don't have a crystal ball and don't know whether Bitcoin will have flown to the moon by 2025 or not. In the past (!), however, it has always been the case that up to 6-18 months after a Bitcoin halving, things have gone up considerably, followed by a sharp drop. The next halving is scheduled for early 2024. If history repeats itself, we will see a new ATH in 2025 and the bottom at no less than USD 10k. Of course, this is not certain.

I wrote in this post that I own $HBAR and $BNB and bought $ETH. No maxi would do that. The largest position in my portfolio (which you can of course view on GetQuin, just click on my profile) is $VGWL - relatively atypical for a Bitcoin maxi. On my profile you will also find a number of high-quality posts from me (not the usual shitposts and comments, occasionally I come up with something useful 🙂). Including the post "A warning to all Bitcoin maximalists" https://app.getquin.com/activity/rzqmsccxxf . Also atypical for a Bitcoin Maxi. There is also a not-so-old article that clears up prejudices and clichés about Bitcoin and crypto. Here I share (factual) arguments in favor of Bitcoin, but also refute a lot of nonsense from Bitcoin Maxis - for example, why it makes no sense at all to use Bitcoin as a state currency: https://app.getquin.com/activity/FYtgJmTHNP .

I think that's enough "proof" that I'm not a Bitcoin Maxi. If you read through my posts on crypto (I do other posts too, by the way 😉), you will (hopefully) recognize my differentiated and unbiased approach to the topic.
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