Hello dear community.
This is my first post on this platform.
I have been investing for retirement provision for several years now.
My goal is to reach the €100,000 portfolio value by my 30th birthday (2030).
Last night at 20:05 I reached 1/4 of my goal by 2030. My first milestone, so to speak.
What do I do for a living?
I'm an industrial engineering student and have been working part-time since I started my degree (2020). I work in the energy sector.
How is the portfolio structured?
approx. 70% ETFs
(Europe is disproportionately represented compared to a normal world ETF).
Current savings plans:
$SUSW (-0,88 %) 200€/m
$LCUW (+0 %) 200€/m
$EQDS (+0,06 %) 100€/m
$MEUD (+0,15 %) 100€/m
approx. 20% Crypto
(Purchases were made a few years ago. I'm just holding it at the moment. Maybe it will rise to a new ATH again.
approx. 10% individual stocks
(the attempt to beat the market - has worked rather less well this year. However, this should be seen as a lesson in these areas)
You are welcome to comment on ideas / suggestions for improving my portfolio. There is certainly room for optimization.
Have a happy first advent