Why are you always singing the praises of individual companies?
Why don't you take a critical look at a company, or answer the question of how the future interest rate level could affect the Reits' returns, that would be an added value 
Why don't you take a critical look at a company, or answer the question of how the future interest rate level could affect the Reits' returns, that would be an added value 
@GHF I made this post because someone commented on my last post asking if I could make a comparison. If you're not interested then just skip and be less toxic.👍😂 have a nice weekend.
•@Luis- that was not toxic, but a critical question. Analyses should always highlight opportunities as well as risks. You always paint rather unreflected pictures that, due to their one-sidedness, do not add any value, except for getting to know the companies themselves.
In my view, this criticism makes sense. If you were to accept it, you could further improve your contributions and create greater added value for the community.
In my view, this criticism makes sense. If you were to accept it, you could further improve your contributions and create greater added value for the community.
@KevinC correct, but as I said, the post was simply intended to respond to a question from a comment