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Acheté x25000 à 0,00204 €
51,00 €
10 Commentaires

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What will
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If you're lucky, you'll make a very good profit!
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@Michael-official Don't you think it could rise minimally?
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@gerry361 minimal, that 5 kebabs become 6-7 😅
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@Sansebastian to have or not to have a kebab 😂
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@gerry361 If the €50 doesn't hurt you in an emergency, you have nothing to lose, I also went in with €40 this morning. Just leave it and let it surprise you 😁
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I'm in too, it's my first share package. I know the company by name and it was affordable for me. Maybe I'll be lucky. Fingers crossed for all of us 🙂
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@OneInAMinion 2 months later and something is happening...

btw info for investors: at the beginning of May there will be a reverse split with 10000:1 = under 10000 shares option to buy more or it will be shredded, if I have understood correctly.
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