
TerraUSD is a stablecoin that can theoretically always be exchanged for a USD without USD reserves and until recently had a market cap of about 18 billion. As has been posted on GQ a couple of times today, this promise has vanished into thin air in the last 24h, when TerraUSD first traded for a good 90 cents only and went down to 60 cents overnight in some cases. In the meantime, the price is back at about 90 cents, higher than this morning, but still far below the target value of one USD. To reach the 90 cents again, among other things, all Bitcoin stocks were sold to hedge the coin: https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/b31cc9e5-c54c-4418-a6ce-b332c57e82e9/page/4YBqC?s=or-T7NeGLew (Thanks goes out to Stramme Maximiliane, who lied to me in another amount).

The cause could not be the bear market, but a targeted attack against TerraUSD, as discussed among others on Twitter


@stonksonlygodown Attack or bear market?

18 Commentaires

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Thanks again for the tip ❤️🚀
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@FreiBier if you hit me with it I'm offended
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Large-scale pack from @oliverplass?? 🥴😂
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@stonksonlygodown mano, but I asked you specifically for speculation
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@stonksonlygodown Is the Peg still following suit?
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@Stewie seems so. But yesterday evening it also looked good and then came the night 😅
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@stonksonlygodown Don't believe in it though, because I don't know how that's supposed to work other than inflationizing Luna, but it's more exciting than watching a kiddie movie that way
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@stonksonlygodown Is the peg still dragging? I am still waiting
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@Stewie there pulls nothing more 😂
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@DonkeyInvestor Pshht I want to hear what MrExperte says
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