
would have had bicycle chain😅🤯

Unfortunately, hindsight is always wiser. Sold at the time with roughly 100% profit (June 2022).

Of course, nobody knows that it will take on such proportions years later (see photo) $RHM (-6,84 %)

But in my opinion, it no longer makes sense to get back in now ✌🏼

4 Commentaires

My purchase price is €67. Sold half of it at €200. 😂 The other half broke through the +1600% yesterday!
image de profil
@userb871c8177f5946a8 Respect for holding on, at least for the second half
image de profil
My purchase price is €149.85, and I am holding and will continue to hold everything in the defense sector for the time being (I added to Renk yesterday). In view of the geopolitical situation, I still see upside potential.
I got in last November at €619 and sold last week for €1000, also annoying that they are now at €1200
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