
Knaus Tabbert $KTA (-4,41 %) Ends the 2023 financial year with the strongest sales growth in the company's history

  • Turnover increases by 37% to 1.44 billion euros (previous year: 1.050 billion euros)
  • Over 30,000 vehicles sold
  • 18,584 motorhomes (previous year: 11,426)
  • 12,029 caravans (previous year 18,130)
  • Forecast adjusted EBITDA margin approx. 8.5 - 9%

Consolidated financial statements for 2023 including the forecast for the 2024 financial year will be published on March 28, 2024

5 Commentaires

image de profil
Don't shout so loud so early!
Edit: He has calmed down
Copied from the press release
I have now customized it especially for you. Hope you are satisfied. Thank you ;-)
image de profil
Beautiful! Not my business 😜
image de profil
The value of my caravan has also increased somewhat. Knauss prices have also risen immensely in the last 3 years, certainly by 30-40%.
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