
Presentation of a rather unknown share:

$CFLT (-0,6 %)


Since I work as an IT specialist, I may be able to provide a deeper technical insight.

Please note: This is purely about Confluent's product offering and not about the balance sheet or key figures.

What does Confluent do?

Confluent is the company behind the open source product Apache Kafka and is now also working a lot on Apache Flink.

What is Apache Kafka?

It is a message broker for exchanging data. It is very scalable and performant.

What is Apache Flink?

Is a framework for processing data that is very scalable. The advantage here is that it works with SQL logic and is also very easy to use for a data scientist and data engineer.

And where exactly does Confluent fit in?

Confluent offers SaaS and PaaS solutions in the cloud and on-premise, which are operated for you.

In part, Chat GPT is also based on Confluent.

Confluent is used as the interface between Chat Window and AI Model. To exchange the data.

AI is much more than just models and graphics cards. The data also has to get from A to B. This is exactly where Confluent has positioned itself. Data exchange plus data preparation. Since the data for an AI model cannot come from anywhere, it has to be processed and modified (e.g. Apache Flink)

My personal opinion:

I think Confluent has positioned itself very well in the BigData market in recent years and technically offers a solution that is used by many large companies. I also find it exciting that the core team and management are all former Linked In employees. And have already built something great in the past.

Next, I will take a look at the balance sheets. Feedback is welcome if you would like me to write a post about it.

What do you think of Confluent?

1 Commentaire

image de profil
Sounds very exciting. I look forward to your discussion of the key figures :)
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