
Existing position $IFF (+0,39 %) is continuously expanded. For me, a candidate to be held in the portfolio for a very long time.

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Acheté x40 à 58,40 €
2 336,00 €
10 Commentaires

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Is there a rational reason why they have been moving sideways since 2015?
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@Kohlmeyse so i see 2009 - 2018 a strong rally and from 2022 it only goes south. now the price is around the high from summer 2011. i am looking for the turnaround
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@Kohlmeyse rather sideways with 5% instead of downwards with 9%
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@mxntos I asked for the reason and in no way wanted to badmouth the stock/company.
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@Kohlmeyse I understood that. Just wanted to put Bats down.
@7Trader Are you still invested? Either way, the investment should have already paid off 🫡
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Yes, I have gradually increased my shares and am currently up > 40%. The company is actually a no-brainer for long-term investment. The chart has been climbing slowly since 1980. In retrospect, the current situation will have been another classic buy-back. The all-time high will be tackled again in the next few years
@7Trader Thank you for your current assessment. And good luck for the future.
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@MeepMeep I assume that there was price fixing. Anything else would more than surprise me. It is questionable how much can be proven and how high the penalty will be, but the business model and the dominance of the Big Four remains unaffected.
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