5 Commentaires

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There have been German stocks that buy bitcoin or are directly involved with it for some time now
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Of course I mean companies whose business model per se has nothing to do with Bitcoin :)
I may have missed something, but I can't think of any right now
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I think it is wrong for most companies to speculate as a company in relation to shareholders. Except for investment companies, of course.

It's nothing for me. 😊
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@GeldGenie It's nothing for me either. I'd rather buy Bitcoin directly :)
But I can understand companies with large cash reserves buying shares or Bitcoin. I mean, what are they supposed to do with it😅 if they leave it lying around, inflation eats away at their purchasing power year after year.
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@stefan_21 Same.

Strategic takeovers, share buyback programs or distributions. 😊

Are there enough alternatives if you really don't have anything to invest in your own company (IT, real estate, marketing, PM, ....)?
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