

I wanted to know which company you find more interesting and are invested in. It's about the airlines $LHA (-1,91 %) and $RYA (-0,82 %) . I would just like to know what you think of these companies and what you think of them. Thank you very much for your answers and have a wonderful evening.


5 Commentaires

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@DividendenWaschbaer do you find it interesting or are you invested? ^-^
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@Drachen I like aviation in general. I find it very interesting for gambling. But I haven't invested in any airline yet.
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@DividendenWaschbaer so interesting... i was planning to ... but with the current politics, it's too risky for me
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I got Lufthansa very cheaply in the first corona "crash", but never with the intention of holding it for long. There are too many massive changes in the industry in the next few years to stay invested there in the long term.
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