@Epi here we go😉
Brief introduction: I was very undecided about my strategy for a relatively long time and have rethought it back and forth several times and have now finally set up my portfolio (in its current form only this year) with a strategy that lets me sleep peacefully and that I hope will lead to a successful future stock market life. My strategy is also designed so that I have to worry as little as possible about rebalancing and actively do not have to worry about it. The aim of the portfolio is long-term wealth accumulation (10 years+).
About me: 34 years old, married, now 2 children, live in rented accommodation, work in middle management at a private bank in Hamburg, savings rate €1,000 per month, sufficient nest egg available and not tracked here
Strategy: I recently made a final decision in favor of an ETF as the core of my portfolio. The choice fell on the $SPYI (+0,06 %) as it tracks large, mid and small caps from industrialized and emerging markets. The ETF should make up 60% of my portfolio in the target allocation. I invest €600 a month in the ETF from my savings installment.
In addition to the ETF, I hold and save monthly $BTC (-6,44 %) (physical and ETP $WBIT (-5,94 %)) and $WGLD (-0,54 %) (also gold physically $965515 (-0,55 %) ) with €200 each. The target allocation for both BTC and gold is 20% each.
I have opted for $WGLD (-0,54 %) because $EWG2 (-1,14 %) is unfortunately not eligible for a savings plan at ING and $WGLD (-0,54 %) is also tax-free after 1 year and has a delivery option. My position in physical gold will not be expanded any further.
$WBIT (-5,94 %) I deliberately chose this savings plan because it is NOT tax-free after one year (optimization of the tax-free allowance through sales, is not saved, my savings plan only runs on real gold). $BTC (-6,44 %) ).
All in all, I hope that the portfolio allocation will optimize returns while at the same time minimizing drawdowns.
Feel free to leave thoughts, suggestions, criticism or praise at da✌🏻.
Greetings, Marcus