

13 Commentaires

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Unfortunately not, all free cash invested in $NOVO B......
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Yes, Novo and IIPR fell sharply yesterday.
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@Rebellion81 we know why the share price has fallen so sharply
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Novo probably because of the test of a slimming product. And IIPR because pharmacann a main tenant of 11 properties has not paid the rent
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One tenant with a 17% share has payment problems
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Yes, exactly, but I didn't expect the price to plummet by almost 50 percent right away, but it has happened more often in the past, even with other tenants. I hope that a replacement can be found quickly
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I was thinking about buying some more and am a bit undecided and, how do you feel about IIPR at the moment? Are you considering going in or are you already invested?
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Hi I bought it for the first time yesterday at €73, had it on my watch list for ages but always missed the entries
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Yes, it's a difficult market but a good entry price 👍
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Yes, a difficult but at the same time new and volatile market. Let's see what it brings, divi is also attractive
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No cash. But yes, it made me smile
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@Yoshika yes i read it. Maybe they can Figure IT Out quickly
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