Hello everyone,
briefly about me:
I completed my training as a real estate agent two years ago and started my own business a year ago. Since then, I have set up a property management company and a real estate agency. I currently hold a slightly higher proportion of cash in order to be able to make investments in the company.
My aim is to make passive provisions for retirement with ETFs on the one hand and to buy individual stocks that I like or that have recently experienced a price slide on the other. In this way, I want to benefit from the recovery in the short term and take a few profits on the side.
This is how I am currently investing in my ETFs:
- S&P 500: 60%
- Euro Stoxx 600: 40%
I have deliberately decided against a $ACWI as I prefer to determine the weighting between America and Europe myself. I also don't invest in emerging market ETFs such as $XMME (+1,75 %) as I find them too risky.
My crypto allocation is currently very high due to the recent price increases. I will also be selling Doge and XRP soon or taking profits.
I would be interested to know what you think of this strategy, whether you would do anything differently or which buys/sells you would consider.