
Quick note: In France, new elections to the National Assembly have been announced following the EU parliamentary elections. These will take place on 30.06. and 07.07. After the CAC 40 slipped by around 2%, there are one or two bargains to be had in France. Today I finally found my target entry prices for $DG (+1,64 %) and $AI (-0,99 %) and quickly filled both positions😁.

Wishing you all a successful Börsenwoche👌🏻.

15 Commentaires

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I also got into Air Liquide today, which is down 10%
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@Aktienkoenig Stock split xd
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@Alwin_ aso :-D. I had them on the list anyway so it fits
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$AI but this is due to the bonus shares. For every 10 shares, you get one as a gift. The nice thing about this is that the shares given as a gift have the same bonus status as the basic shares 🥰
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@devnerd_daddy Have you received them yet?
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@Huskyboy No. According to the info mail, the price was adjusted at the end of June 7 and the bonus shares will be booked on June 12.

Fractions will be paid out on June 26.
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Okei yes I read 12juni too, I was just wondering because you wrote "you got"
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@Huskyboy I see. Yes, the cut-off date was the seventh of eob and therefore only the official booking is still missing; the distribution itself is done.
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Good shopping!
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@RaphGM Both have been on my watchlist for some time, but prices never reached my entry zone. Today was perfect for me at Hinsicht👍🏻. This is how a stock market week can go starten👏🏻.
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Also once struck at $AI 😂
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@parlania A 10% discount is also nett👍🏻.
@PassiveInvest Do you know where the discount comes from? Is it related to the share program (bonus share)?
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@Julian_S I assume so. Then there is also the content of my contribution😉.
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Joined $RMS today. 🚀
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