
Extraordinary dividend

Just received 2x dividends within 30 minutes from the $MPW (-0,19 %) received. Have I missed something? Or is Trade republic up to mischief again?

12 Commentaires

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Recalculation of last year's dividend. This is common practice for American Reits.
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@CashDividendGamer Thank you. I mean if everything goes according to the law then of course I won't complain
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@Kundenservice Are such unscheduled dividends automatically adjusted in Gq? Or do I have to do this manually?
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@Paddy_ro With pleasure. In the past, you could clearly see how the money was debited and then debited again after a few days, the amounts sometimes changed slightly after recalculation, sometimes not. I guess TR has started to only show the direct debits this year because of these stated short-term debits, so that fewer people complain / follow up, but makes the whole thing more confusing in my opinion.
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@CashDividendGamer Thanks for the info!
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@Paddy_ro This is not recognized as an additional dividend because it is only a recalculation. The dividend has been booked again from a distribution from last year after the recalculation. What can no longer be seen at TR is that a few days earlier TR had also debited the amount before the recalculation.
The dividend from 09.07.2024 was canceled for this purpose
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@Paddy_ro If it is a special dividend, it will be shown.

At $MPW it is a tax revaluation of previous payments, as MPW is a REIT.
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See Eben in the document. Ex date is almost a year ago
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The same for me. I was also surprised
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I was also wondering just now and asked whether it might be a mistake on TR's part. 🤨
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yo came to me too
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