
Missed the Trade Republic and Flatex hype? No problem, Wallstreet:Online is still ahead with its smart broker. The share will profit massively from this. At the moment, the company is still a small cap.

10 Commentaires

I believe they also have 11% shares in Trade Republic
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@Fischer9902 W:O was invested, but sold its shares last spring. You could say it was too early, but the money went into the smart broker.
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@calvin The smart broker's offering is unbeatable compared to the other two. TR, for example, only has one trading venue and no possibility to trade funds. Smartbroker, on the other hand, allows you to trade directly via any German trading venue and on foreign stock exchanges. Scalable and TR are discount brokers with a very limited offering that appeals to a (younger) target group with a smaller capital investment. Smartbroker is migrating all Volkswagenbank customers, among others, to its platform.
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@calvin I am of course also bullish about TR and SC. All neobrokers benefit from the stock boom. However, the upside is very high for W:O as the company is still very small capitalized. 😊💪🏼
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@aktienimpuls To be honest, I don't think market capitalization of just under 400 million is exactly low. Scalable Capital will not be worth that much more (since SC is private, this is of course only a personal estimate of mine based on the funding data)
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Why not stay with Sino AG?
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@EMTVler Everyone knows Sino by now. The purpose of my watchlist is to show you new and lesser-known stocks. ☺️🙏🏼
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What do you think of the Lang & Schwarz share in this context? They are profiting enormously from the TradeRepublic boom and you also have Baader Bank in it.
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@Alypax I agree!
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