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It's hard to imagine that I once made 30% with this junk stock
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@Tobi60 I made a whopping 144% on the pull to the 21 dollar mark back then, but since then I've also moved away from it 😂
@Tobi60 you could have done it now if you had invested a few days ago 😅🙈
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Pull the plug.
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I sold half a year ago at €3.50 with -65%. It hurt at the time, but looking back it was still one of my smarter decisions 😅😂 In the end you have to decide what to do, but my tip would always be to assess the current situation and outlook, regardless of whether you're 60% down or 100% up.
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@DieEnte7 The loss pot is then filled, so at least there's something positive :D
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