
Month change: GTAA strategy update

October went less well than expected in the equity markets, so the Nasdaq 100 and Emerging Markets Smallcaps held for the month also lost. However, interim selling kept the loss at -1.3%.

A new addition to the GTAA portfolio is the currency pair LongUSD-ShortJPY (SJPY). A currency asset was still missing and in backtests it has been shown that this provides a more consistent performance in the long term. In addition, there are further optimizations in the model rules.

The new allocation for 11/23:

67% Gold

33% SJPY

At this point, once again to explain the performance of the GTAA model, because there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about it. It is not about generating above average profits in every market phase! It is not a magic system, but only a trend-following multi-asset ETF model (for concept see my profile). The long-term outperformance results mainly from participating in bull markets and avoiding bear markets. The model has difficulties only in ambiguous markets like this year.

Finally, a question for you: I would like to start a model with 3xleverage ETFs and bitcoin on 11/1 in addition to the current GTAA model (starting amount: 3k), a turbo GTAA so to speak. Are you interested in following this model here on getquin?

And in general: is there actually still any interest in the monthly report on the GTAA strategy?

Yes: Thumbs up


Thanks a lot and good luck to all of you!

WisdomTree Physical Gold Daily Hedged logo
Acheté x1428,83 à 11,20 €
15 998,57 €
23 Commentaires

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I always enjoy reading your articles. I also find the new experiment interesting.
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$PAXG would be nevertheless also a possible equivalent alternative (risk) to the Etf, even without running Ter costs. Lg and nice weekend
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@user16a1add4a1d143be Sounds quite interesting, I had never heard. Is that regulated? And about the costs: I can hardly imagine that the physical deposit can be presented for free.
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@randomdude https://paxos.com/paxgold/ There you will be helped 😁 yes is regulated
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@user16a1add4a1d143be Thanks for the tip! So far I trade the model via Traderepublic and there is your ETF unfortunately not. How high is the iXLM for Pax Gold? Nieschenprodukte without TER are often not quite cheap to trade.
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After you make fun of others all month and know everything better the report about your buy high - sell low strategy is always interesting. 😂😂😂
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@Remooo @Epi one of the users here on GQ, where really every comment has hand and foot. And even if your opinion doesn't match his, he always provides interesting alternative points of view. So chill and learn 🤝🥰
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@tommycash What can I learn? Embarrassing better knowledge and underperformance? 😂😂😂
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@Remooo What was your strategy again?
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@Remooo and even if he hasn't had a better performance than you or I the last few months, does that make his approach fundamentally bad? Does he make maybe 5% more than us in 2024? You are displaying an unpleasant manner. You can't deny his expertise and we'll see which way is best in the rearview mirror 🤝
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@tommycash Who makes fun of others is antisocial. Everything else is irrelevant! 😘
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@Remooo I have never noticed anything negative about it. But you can also simply block it and stop taking your blood pressure medication as a result 🤝😂.
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@Remooo I notice that the comments from @Epi are sometimes taken as an attack. But they are mostly just critical comments and / or opinions. That's a good thing 👍🏽 We do not need to just rock the eggs here, but can calmly allow different views 🥸
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@7Trader Thank you, I see it that way too. Criticism sometimes hurts, I'm not excluding myself. But as long as it remains factual, it fits. And yes, sometimes you have to have fun! Do you actually also have the impression that the mood here gets rougher as soon as the stock market goes down a few days!
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@Remooo @Kundenservice Here is another such case of baseless insults that I would like to block. But the system does not allow it. Can you please fix this?
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@Epi has not really struck me yet, because it is felt the whole year downhill 🙈 Is certainly only a topic of mental maturity to deal with criticism. Who can not yet, he will still learn here 😜
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