
100k reallocation High Yield Bond from IShares to XTraclers

Hello everyone,

I received an extraordinary special payment this month, which means that I have reached the 100k mark.

For tax reasons (utilization of the tax-free allowance) and other reasons, I have therefore

$IHYG (+0,01 %)

IShares High Yield Bonds worth 85k and realized a price gain of almost 1,400 euros.

I have now reallocated these to Xtrackers (same ETF content) because

a) TER is significantly lower 0.2% Xtrackers to 0.5% IShares

b) Quarterly dividend (in my case just under 1,000 euros)

c) Tax-wise more favorable for me because with IShares dividend > price gain would be in March therefore not so great for tax purposes in case of short-term sale

d) Today dividend EX-date Xtrackers

Xtrackers High Yiled Euro Bond ETF

Xtrackers II High Yield Bond ETF logo
Acheté x6218 à 16,08 €
99 988,55 €
8 Commentaires

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Well, you are looking at everything from a different perspective (asset accumulation). For me, it's all about cash flow. I have already achieved partial financial independence and receive just under 2,400 euros net from my financial investments. I am already concerned with capital preservation and cash flow. With all-time highs, I can't throw such amounts out of the window. I also have other strategies in parallel to slowly enter the stock market with savings plans. In the event of major crashes, I can reallocate all the more effectively.
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Tying yourself to such a crutch for 1000EUR/quarter - I don't know ... Hope you still have something in your portfolio that really brings returns ;-)
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@Krush82 It's hard to believe, but for some people there are more important things than returns. I don't know either. 🤷
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@Epi Well, everyone has their priorities. Some want returns and are prepared to accept more risk. Some don't want any risk at all and leave their money in a current account or call money. Unfortunately, I'm also one of the conservative ones, but from a security point of view I'm already aiming for a 5%-6% return per year. Everyone has their own priorities.
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@Immoinvestor1981 Well, my priority would probably be capital growth with lower risk. 6% return with 40% risk would be too little for too much.
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@Epi How do you arrive at a 40% risk?
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Ohh it's already down 1 cent €16.07 I would have panicked😅😬
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@Paolo2006 Then you have to learn to think long-term. It will recover by at least 1% by June.
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