
How would you manage this portfolio?

As a student and with a savings rate of just €40, I have few opportunities to achieve much on the stock market.

After a bit of research (especially on Finanzfluss), I decided on an ETF on the FTSE All-World index from Invesco ($FWRG (+0,07 %) ). However, because I am not necessarily afraid of risky investing, I wanted to add another ETF to my portfolio. The choice of this additional ETF then fell on the Nasdaq100 from XTRACKER ($XNAS (-0,31 %) ). I weight these two ETFs 70% low-risk and 30% risky.

I am aware that you have to set your investment strategy for the long term and should remain true to it, but I would be interested to know how experienced investors evaluate such a portfolio and whether and what changes they would make.

4 954,18 €
5,30 %
10 Commentaires

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You can do that. I don't see anything negative. Stay true to yourself and don't lose yourself in any shares
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I'm doing something similar and only have BTC and gold with me. I am currently liquidating my individual shares piece by piece and shifting into $VWRL and $CSNDX.
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It's great that you're starting so early, it looks very sensible, keep it up and continue to study the matter from reputable sources (financial flow is great)
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Keep up the good work. 40 per month is a good start, but it doesn't have to be 4000.
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I would leave it as it is. Especially if you are aware of the duplication of both ETFs. Do more when you have more money available, i.e. when you start a part-time job or as soon as you start an apprenticeship.
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Stable, keep it up. You have a better portfolio than many others here who have been around for years. Sometimes less is more 👍
you have double-dipped in both ETFs with Apple Microsoft Nvidia.

For example, take the $VWRL and reinvest the dividends in a Europe ETF or Emerging Markets
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The custody account is a classic. But it promises too little return with too much risk. For the risk (-70% max DD) you can pursue strategies that promise you a multiple of the return (10%pa).
Maybe Spytips is something for you or the leveraged asset basket (see my posts under Bestof)?
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Personally, I would put everything into a vanguard All world or 30 euro and 10 euro into small cap or Em
The double positions were also mentioned. You could also look for cheaper ETFs. For the Nasdaq 100 there is still the cheaper one with 0.14TER.... but just from AXA... not everyone's cup of tea
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