Hello everyone,
First of all, my name is Tiago and I'm from Portugal, so there's a chance I'll have some writing mistakes.
I will share with you my Portfolio and my currently ideas.
So, basically I'm a 22 years old boy that became fascinated by this world of investments in the past year. I've been reading a lot of things about the market and how it works. I consider myself a passive investor with a little affection to risk, so once in a while I might add to my portfolio some "FOMO" and "meme" stocks. My currently portfolio basically consists in some ETFs and 3 single stocks $AMD (+0,74 %)
$NU (+1,01 %)
$TSM (-1,21 %) .
I currently have a monthly savings plan of 450€ consisting in diversified ETFs and some bitcoin:
$VUAG (-0,29 %) 159 € S&P 500 35%
$VWCE (-0,12 %) 135 € FTSE-ALL World 30%
$EIMI (-0,16 %) 45 € Emerging Markets 10%
$MEUD (+0,95 %) 45 € Stoxx 600 Europe 10%
$VAGF (+0,01 %) 22 € Global Bonds 5%
$SGLD (-0,45 %) 22 € Gold 5%
$BTC (-0,21 %) 22 € Bitcoin 5 %
Note: I was reinforcing $XNAS (-0,31 %) until last month but the geopolitical scene changed, and I decided that I should not overlap that much in US. That resulted in me moving that allocation to $MEUD (+0,95 %) .
This portfolio gives me around 53% exposure to US, 19% developed markets, 13% emerging markets, 5% gold, 5% bonds and 5% bitcoin.
I know that the % would almost be the same if I only invested in: $VWCE (-0,12 %) +$VAGF (+0,01 %) +$SGLD (-0,45 %) +$BTC (-0,21 %) but I want to have the power to change the allocations and reinforce wherever I want to.
Since I am betting in the whole market I don't expect huge growth unless I reinforce with some bigger amounts when good "dips" arrive.
I have an emergency fund, but no one knows how we will end up in 5 years... that's why if a crisis arrives, I'll use my gold and bonds as liquidity to either reinforce my etfs or use that money myself.