
$N/A (-0,84 %) increased by 15tsd,

6% interest annually since 2017, monthly savings plan €150

I'm sure some people will say there's better, but I feel comfortable with it. 😊😊

8 Commentaires

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If you feel comfortable, then it's ok!
The last few years have been pretty synchronized with the various World ETFs, so if the fees are not too high, you can do it.
May I ask how much you pay in fees per year plus any initial charges?
@TomTurboInvest 3% per year, leaving 3% as "profit".
@stock_whiz_6 Stupid question, but aren't fees p.a. already included in the price performance?
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@user6165a823e1554ac0 TER does, front-end load does not.
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@stock_whiz_6 talk to your bank advisor and threaten to liquidate the fund... that often works!
I did liquidate my old funds, but I suddenly got them without a front-end load and a greatly reduced annual fee...
@TomTurboInvest I don't have an issue premium.
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There are worse things on the market, so why not 😊👍
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There is exactly one person who needs to feel comfortable with your investments and that is you.
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