
How can man earn money beautifully the question is and that is how can you earn money

8 Commentaires

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Some posts make you feel sheer horror.
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I have now discovered how lucrative donating plasma is. 😂 I actually don't like injections at all... but funny enough it works since then.
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Investing in yourself by learning grammar and language and using digital technologies, among other things, will pay off ✨
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@Gott amen
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@DieFinanzchaotin @Abderrahman Plasma donations are really more relaxed than you might imagine. It costs around €25 per donation. It takes an hour and is not really stressful for the body, as you get your blood back and only the blood protein (plasma) is filtered out.
Well-known institutions are Plasmaservice and Octapharma.

*Self-promotion: If you register with Octapharma, please use my donor number: 172325
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@Frederik Yes, I was also surprised - I didn't feel any effects and usually even get more than €25 because of promotions. For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays before 2 p.m. €5 on top, with the second donation in the same week €10 extra, currently a stamp booklet where there is a staggered €15,20,25,...€ on top with every 3rd donation and after the 10th donation in 10 weeks €120 extra etc. :) really good. And I shared the referral bonus with someone, which gave me an extra €35. I've now received €85 for the week. Unfortunately, it's not exactly around the corner from me - but I do the 10 times in 10 weeks now and otherwise always when I have vocational school and am around the corner anyway.
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@DieFinanzchaotin Which institution do you donate to? It seems to me that there are a lot of bonus campaigns. I get double the money with the 5,10,20,30 and occasionally promotions such as double advertising money or +2€ per donation...
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German course
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