Hello everyone,
I would be very happy to receive feedback on my portfolio. In the beginning I made some typical rookie mistakes, but since 2023 my focus has been mainly on ETFs and high-dividend growth stocks. Recently I have increased my positions $SBUX (-0,15 %) and partly also in $AAPL (-0,44 %) as I no longer see much growth potential here and also need a little more liquidity for an upcoming wedding ;)
My aim is to build up a stable cash flow in the long term and to buy an apartment in the short term. In the last 12 months, I have been able to invest around €1,200-1,300 per month (a little more with bonuses) via my ETF savings plan. I plan to increase my ETF position to up to 70% by the end of next year. However, I usually buy individual shares without a savings plan.
Thank you in advance ☺️