Questions fréquentes
Quelle est la capitalisation boursière de Ziprecruiter ?
Quel est le ratio cours/bénéfice (P/E) de Ziprecruiter ?
Quel est le bénéfice par action (BPA) de Ziprecruiter ?
Quelles sont les évaluations des analystes et le prix cible de l'action Ziprecruiter ?
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires de Ziprecruiter sur les douze derniers mois ?
Quel est l'EBITDA de Ziprecruiter ?
Quel est le flux de trésorerie disponible de Ziprecruiter ?
Quel est le bêta à 5 ans de l'action Ziprecruiter ?
Combien d'employés compte Ziprecruiter, et à quel secteur d'activité appartient-elle ?
Quel est le flottant des actions de Ziprecruiter ?
Capitalisation boursière
893,97 M $USbêta sur 5 ans
1,18BPA (TTM)
0,0309 $USFree Float
69,49 MRatio P/E (TTM)
296,31Recettes (TTM)
498,90 M $USEBITDA (TTM)
30,82 M $USCash-flow disponible (TTM)
57,70 M $USCotation
Notes des analystes
L'objectif de prix est de 12,70 $US et l'action est analysée par 9 analystes.
ZipRecruiter, Inc. provides a two-sided marketplace for work that simplifies the job market for both job seekers and employers. The Company enables work by connecting job seekers and employers in its marketplace. The Company’s technology delivers matches to its employers immediately after a job goes live and provides tools to streamline the candidate selection process. It provides job seekers with access to various jobs from all over the Internet. Job seekers can filter this array of opportunities by using numerous criteria to find the handful of potential matches on its Website or in its mobile app. On ZipRecruiter, job seekers create a profile and can then apply for certain opportunities with a single click. Its one-click application technology works across both its marketplace and certain Job Distribution Partners to remove barriers between a job seeker and their next opportunity. Jobs posted are distributed to well over 1,000 sites managed by its Job Distribution Partners.
1 000
Business Services
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