Green Brick Action
Questions fréquentes
Quelle est la capitalisation boursière de Green Brick ?
Quel est le ratio cours/bénéfice (P/E) de Green Brick ?
Quel est le bénéfice par action (BPA) de Green Brick ?
Quelles sont les évaluations des analystes et le prix cible de l'action Green Brick ?
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires de Green Brick sur les douze derniers mois ?
Quel est l'EBITDA de Green Brick ?
Quel est le flux de trésorerie disponible de Green Brick ?
Quel est le bêta à 5 ans de l'action Green Brick ?
Combien d'employés compte Green Brick, et à quel secteur d'activité appartient-elle ?
Quel est le flottant des actions de Green Brick ?
Capitalisation boursière
3,22 Md $USbêta sur 5 ans
1,81BPA (TTM)
7,702 $USFree Float
41,25 MRatio P/E (TTM)
9,38Recettes (TTM)
439,01 M $USCash-flow disponible (TTM)
-31,75 M $USCotation
Notes des analystes
L'objectif de prix est de 57,50 $US et l'action est analysée par 4 analystes.
Green Brick Partners, Inc. is a diversified homebuilding and land development company. The Company is engaged in all aspects of the homebuilding process, including land acquisition and development, entitlements, design, construction, title and mortgage services, marketing and sales and the creation of brand images at its residential neighborhoods and master planned communities. The Company operates through three segments: Builder operations Central, Builder operations Southeast, and Land development. The Builder operations Central segment represents operations by its builders in Texas. The Builder operations Southeast segment represents operations by its builders in Georgia and Florida. The Land Development segment acquires land for the development of residential lots that are transferred to its controlled builders or sold to third party homebuilders. The Company owns or controls approximately 28,700 home sites in high-growth submarkets.
Construction Services
Biens de consommation discrétionnaires
Ticker primaire