Questions fréquentes
Quelle est la capitalisation boursière de Powerhouse ?
Quel est le bénéfice par action (BPA) de Powerhouse ?
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires de Powerhouse sur les douze derniers mois ?
Quel est l'EBITDA de Powerhouse ?
Quel est le flux de trésorerie disponible de Powerhouse ?
Quel est le bêta à 5 ans de l'action Powerhouse ?
Combien d'employés compte Powerhouse, et à quel secteur d'activité appartient-elle ?
Quel est le flottant des actions de Powerhouse ?
Capitalisation boursière
54,09 M $USbêta sur 5 ans
2,88BPA (TTM)
-0,0006131 $USFree Float
3,14 MdRecettes (TTM)
709,08 k $USEBITDA (TTM)
-1,98 M $USCash-flow disponible (TTM)
-4,07 M $USCotation
Powerhouse Energy Group Plc is a technology company, which owns integrated technology that converts non-recyclable waste into low carbon energy. The Company has a Distributed Modular Generation (DMG) product platform for the regeneration of plastic into power and hydrogen. The Company designs non-recyclable waste regeneration facilities to produce electricity, heat, and gases such as hydrogen and methane whilst removing carbon from the system. Its DMG technology utilizes waste plastic, end-of-life-tires, and other waste streams to convert them efficiently and economically into syngas from which valuable products such as chemical precursors, hydrogen, electricity, and other industrial products may be derived. It provides associated engineering and testing services and customer support for the lifetime of the facility. The Company, through Engsolve Ltd, offers engineering services across all sectors with specialty services in the development of new technologies and clean energy.
Misc. Capital Goods
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