Adv Blockchain
Questions fréquentes
Quelle est la capitalisation boursière de Adv Blockchain ?
Quel est le bénéfice par action (BPA) de Adv Blockchain ?
Quelles sont les évaluations des analystes et le prix cible de l'action Adv Blockchain ?
Quel est le chiffre d'affaires de Adv Blockchain sur les douze derniers mois ?
Quel est l'EBITDA de Adv Blockchain ?
Quel est le bêta à 5 ans de l'action Adv Blockchain ?
Quel est le flottant des actions de Adv Blockchain ?
Capitalisation boursière
19,42 M $USbêta sur 5 ans
2,40BPA (TTM)
-0,25 $USFree Float
3,70 MRecettes (TTM)
109,26 k $USEBITDA (TTM)
-907,86 k $USCotation
Notes des analystes
L'objectif de prix est de 11,18 $US et l'action est analysée par 1 analystes.
Advanced Blockchain AG is a Germany-based information technology (IT) company. The Company specializes in blockchain, utilizing distributed ledger technology (DLT), while simultaneously further developing other technological solutions, such as directed acyclic graphs (DAG). The Company operates within four business fields: DLT Consultancy, which offers businesses advice on how to apply DLT to their needs and provides the necessary know-how in the implementation process; Applications, which pursues further development and commercialization possibilities of the DAG technology and includes the Company's research activities; Development for third parties, which involves creating dedicated software on order, ranging from minor business process optimizations to full renewal of the business model based on the DAG technology, and Software as a Service (SaaS), which provides decentralized data processing and hosting services in exchange for a license fee.
Software & Programming
Technologie de l'information
Ticker primaire