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I myself am 90% in individual shares and 5% each in funds and ETFs. You don't have to be angry with yourself. If you enjoy individual stocks, then stick with them. In the end, the strategy has to suit you and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks is right. The 70/30 or core-satellite-whatever strategy doesn't always have to be the best.

What I can tell you in any case is that both of your ETFs are nonsense - choose 1 of them, no matter which one. But you don't need the same thing twice. And if you buy individual shares, maybe start with something more solid first. There are so many simple must-have stocks that nobody should be forced to buy Nio as one of the first 100 stocks.
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@Soprano That's exactly how I thought and for the time being I'm only investing in the S&P500, Bitcoin and gold. There are also two other ETFs (small amounts): MSCI World Small Cap and Coinshares Physical Crypto Top10. The trick is - and I hope it will work: Sell gold on sharp dips (in the hope that it will then rise, as it is a "safe haven") to buy S&P500 or BTC with it.
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@Soprano Thank you for the detailed answer.