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Hey, that sounds like a really good start in the world of investing! You've already built a solid foundation through books and videos and you're approaching it with a clear strategy - that's super important. Your split of 70% ETF and 30% equities fits perfectly with a long-term approach, and it's perfectly fine to experiment, especially at the beginning. The important thing is to stick with it, learn from your experiences and keep reviewing your strategy. I'm not a fan of emerging markets at all, which is why I'm not commenting on them. Good luck on your investment journey - you're on the right track! 💪📈
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@DerWolf1983 Thank you for this beautiful and motivating message. Why are you not a friend of emerging markets?
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Emerging market ETFs are often less attractive to me because the potential returns are too low in relation to the risks taken. Despite the higher risk, the profit potential often falls short of expectations in my opinion. I don't think it makes much sense to invest for years and only achieve an average return of just under 5%.