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That's what I call "courageous". May I ask what makes you think the stock won't go down even further? They're in a catastrophic position at the moment (and I haven't read anything that points to improvement) ...

PS: Of course a turnaround is possible. But - in my opinion - it will probably take years. That's why I don't understand the "investment".

Or is this a typical beginner's strategy: "If they've already fallen so far, then they HAVE to go up again"?

No, they don't have to. They've fallen so far because they're virtually bankrupt and were doing extremely badly before that. Just for your information.
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@Charmin for me, it's an emotional thing.

You can call it whatever you like.
Beginner or not, I believe in a turnaround.
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Ok, so purely without - don't misunderstand - "sense and reason".

Why don't you go to the casino? It's much more fun. And the chances are also higher than "I believe in a turnaround".
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@Charmin You can see it however you want.

I go to the casino regularly. I was last in Malta
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I will.


But casino not so often.