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Is a hype. Except for the fact that growing the plants is currently still illegal and therefore the speculators' profit expectations are much too high, it is a normal business for any tobacco company. This will then be incorporated as a new business segment. I see absolutely no need for start-ups. What are they supposed to do better in breeding, harvesting or marketing than established tobacco companies?
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@Osiriz thanks for the in-depth analysis. Good question! maybe marketing as established tobacco companies, the future will tell us. Potentiel to establish itself in this time where cananbis is legalized I see a bit....
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@NeoInvestor If so, the tobacco lobby will be right at the forefront and can start up its marketing factory just in time for legalization.
No start-up that burns money until then will be able to keep up.

(As with other regulations, the lobbyists will do their bit).
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@Staatsmann So this business is fraught with as many risks as bombs on a battlefield🤔
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@NeoInvestor Not quite, as all the tobacco and addictive products and general "sin" products are always in demand.
(Presumably the worse the economic situation, the greater the demand).

But as many write here:
With cannabis, the typical corporations will win in the end.
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@Staatsmanngood to know, thanks dir👍🏽