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the funny thing is that my portfolio 23 is even more slimed, should I still continue "reinbuttern"?
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@Lumimyrsky always further in :D
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@Lumimyrsky how can that be?
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@Sansebastian am quite new and have just bought bad positions ) :
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@Lumimyrsky if you are really in the minus since January, then you have Wahrs many pennystocks Bzw. really wrong invested
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@Lumimyrsky If you don't know what you are doing then DO NOT just blindly put more in. Get information from the right places and get help from the right people until you know what you are doing. Then you can get started.
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@Sansebastian yes something like lumen tech vf corp have just pulled down well is now but not crazy crazy in the minus so 5% but for the entire market is up it is already bad
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@Haufeninthefinance yes i would call it a teaching fee
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@Lumimyrsky then also draw a lesson from it😉😅