Feedback sur mon portefeuille

Hello everyone,

I haven't been investing for very long and wanted to hear some recommendations from you.

I am 26 years old and live with my fiancée. Together we have a net income of around €5500.

Apart from that, we definitely want to invest in real estate, preferably MFH.

A €700 savings plan in crypto and ETFs has been running for a month. Apart from that, I have been working with $BTAI (-1,52 %) and have invested the most there :)

In general, I like to take risks, but I also want to invest for the long term.

I think next month I will increase the savings rate to 1500€.

I look forward to tips and your expertise 👋

11 121,09 €
11,59 %
4 Commentaires

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Ehmm the first rule is try not to lose money. Risk is good but crypto and pharma didn't go great. Have been advised against both completely. Use a maximum of 10% of your investment for gambling. 20-30% in a $CSPX or similar so that no matter what happens you still make a return in the end.
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Thanks to the huge $BTAI position, you can actually liquidate the rest of your portfolio and go all in at $BTAI.
I wouldn't have a moment's peace with this portfolio.
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