Especially when I saw the graph. About -90% Uff, hopefully that plays itself in. Insgsamt 50€ invested and 5€ are left
@DaWed98 It's only logical, isn't it? If you get 10 instead of one, then the 10 should be worth just as much as the one you had before :D
@DaWed98 Quite normal, the split was already announced in May, I think I read once😅
@RoronoaZoro It doesn't seem quite logical to me😅 If I invest €50 in a share (leaving out the fluctuations) then my total value is €50, regardless of how many shares I have. That's why it seems illogical to me. Before the split I had approx. 0.1 shares, after the split still approx. 0.1 but my total value is suddenly 5,-€ That's why I hope this will be corrected
@DaWed98 Such a split always takes 2-3 days until everything fits with the provider, etc. No worries, just be patient :)