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$MC do I also need a value for you in the depot 😁 ?
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My dear Bam, the share is just bobbing around at the bottom of my portfolio and is spoiling my performance. You're welcome to buy it from me 🙈🙈
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@Tenbagger2024 I like the brand and the company, performance-wise you can't buy them 😁. But I also believe that not much can go wrong in the long term. I've always hesitated the last few times and waited for the last sell-off, I'm under no time pressure ✌️
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@Tenbagger2024 the share has only been performing "poorly" for half a year, the company has absolutely delivered in the last few years. What's more, a lot has been priced into the share price. Let them take the Christmas business with them, the purchasing power in China will increase and then we will see the share price back at €700-750 very quickly.

So if you say something like that about Mercedes or Paypal for a while, I understand. But about Lvmh?
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I am aware that LVMH is an underlying investment in the long term. I was just expressing my displeasure about the last year. The stock market also means patience. And LVMH is a 🐘 that is performing badly at the moment.