Avis pour $ABCL
🚀 Bullish

Like many times, I found a good stock...

Then it spiked in a day, I decided to take profits ... That was fine. I thought it will double dip and go higher...

I was right, it dipped again but somehow I didn't pull the trigger and buy it again... Waited for another dip... Good news came and now it is almost going parabolic...

Sometimes you need some luck and braveness... And trust your stock and DD. A good company will always come back!

2 Commentaires

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Selled some $5JL for lower Buyin. Waited for the Dip. Next day +30% :(. If you believe in a stock just hold it :P
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Anyway, if I took your attention with Abcellera and you still holding it, good luck. Diamond hands 💎🙌
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