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An absolutely great company with a great long-term performance. Yes, French withholding tax is not nice, but $OR is not bought because of the dividend, but despite the dividend. Despite the high withholding tax, the performance is still strong and that's what matters. So for me it's clearly an investment.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower you pay the withholding tax when buying and selling so it is not
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@topicswithhead Withholding tax but not financial transaction tax
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@topicswithhead No, the French financial transaction tax applies to buying and selling, which is 0.2% of the order volume. So it's not significant. If I want to hold the share, it really doesn't matter.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower Withholding tax or just home purchase financial transaction tax, no matter what it's called, is just annoying and a yield killer. Then there's the spread, which feels like a TER like an ETF😂