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100% Bitcoin.

If you believe in ETH, which I don't, you can put some in there. I would say ETH is a bit of a premium shitcoin and has the first mover advantage.

Solana is a VC pumped shitcoin. I would definitely advise against it.
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@stefan_21 you are far too narrow-minded ... the coins also have mega potential ... and I think it's wrong to simply advise against them ... it's the same if you only recommend msci world because you don't believe in emerging markets ... so diversification is also brilliant in this case !!! ETH and Solana a must have
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Very good ... I am heavily invested in Btc and eth! Therefore further in ...
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@Testo-Investor I don't think we'll agree on that :D But that's not a bad thing.
You can't compare Bitcoin and altcoins with industrialized and emerging countries.
In fact, you can't compare them at all.
Maybe ETH will find its use case at some point - it also changes from cycle to cycle and then people will tell each other again how great it is. First it was the world computer, then it was the smart contract platform, then it was the NFTs - now it's the real world assets. Nothing has really been used in the real world yet. But you need some kind of narrative to get people to put their money in.
Besides, you're dependent on your colleague here:

With Solana, it's a whole other level... the coin was pumped up by VCs (there are videos in which they make fun of retailers for pumping their bags!!!) and Solana will also collapse mercilessly in the next bear market as soon as the VCs withdraw their money. Take a look at Solana's inflation too.... absolutely insane😅 the house of cards will collapse.

If you fancy a really cool interview about the difference between Bitcoin and altcoins, I can recommend Saylor's interview at AltcoinDaily:

Or the talk by Jack Mallers in Madeira - it was absolutely brilliant

I'm not saying that you can't make money with coins. You just have to get out in good time or take regular profits. I also had an altcoin phase - that's what led me to Bitcoin and then to Bitcoin Only :D
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@stefan_21 I am interested in the alt coin, investment for maximum return potential, which I will all sell in the bull run at 100% and the thresholds are of course a pictorial example 
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There is no second best ! 🫡
I agree with that. I still have some ETH and even XRP 😂 lying around from the past but have been concentrating on BTC only for 3 years.
I will try to sell ETH at an ATH...
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@stefan_21 As long as you make money it works, I only invest in crypto in cycles and it works well
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@Testo-Investor Of course you can achieve returns with pump & dump cycles. In the long term, however, I would stay away from it.
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@Gernhard_Reinholzen nobody is talking about long term only you ... 100% altcoins will be sold next year and 30-50% bitcoin depending on how far the price goes up
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@stefan_21 I have already withdrawn more than double my original stake in Solana, so I only have part of my profits left anyway. I got in quite early and did well abkassieren👍🏻
But maybe you're right and I should just commit to the most reputable of all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin. Thank you very much for your input, I will think about it more carefully and then decide how to proceed with cryptos for me