
There is the $FNTN (+1,83 %) dividend. Once again, this one is special because gross=net 🥳

I've had Freenet in my portfolio since 2016. The pure performance is ... always striving I would say. Including dividends, it looks significantly different. In 7 years 3400€ income and done nothing for it except free phone calls, as @Simpson thinks 😉

So slowly the question arises, what do I do with my Euros? I miss Asia somehow, I do not like trends. Just by the way, I have heard the topic of water since my beginnings on the stock market many times.

Maybe an ETF on the EM or even on APAC 🤔 First World Problems 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Reçu x350 dividendes à 1,68 €
588,00 €
5 Commentaires

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For me it is similar, only that the comma has slipped: 5.56 😂 I joined just over 2 years ago and the share is still up 13%. More than my $VWRL. Through employees shares of $DTE I am well positioned in the mobile and service sector, so the position is not currently increased.
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Sector ETFs are always such a thing. Often they are hype themes, which are only launched when it only goes down. On the subject of water, I have the  $WAT since 2019 in the portfolio. I'm quite satisfied, it also has a performance to the MSCI World
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I am also invested in Freenet with 2%. Unfortunately, as I said, the share price is neutral. Why gross= net?
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@Smudeo "The upcoming dividend payment by freenet AG will be made from the tax contribution account, so the payment will be made without deduction of capital gains tax and solidarity surcharge."
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@finanzperpetuum thank you was new to me until yesterday that will be exciting then when selling the tax burden. Wanted to part with it see the dividend and the price as not safe / guaranteed
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