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If you really go through with it, you will be very happy in 15 years...
I'll keep both fingers crossed - the world needs crazy people like you ♥️
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@DerMartin I give my BEST! :) yes always everything in! :)
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@Testo-Investor The world belongs to the brave. 🌍
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@DerMartin Very, very happy about what?
About a 7-digit deposit? What's there to be happy about? The attitude "min expenditure - max savings rate" remains.
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The budget for food is enough to get enough protein every day! Respect and role model! 💪
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@Alex1901 yes, but my girlfriend won't like it that much :D hjahaha
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@Testo-Investor I know that only too well 😃
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@Testo-Investor she should earn herself 😁 In my household, they both earn. At least as long as there are no children. She's not so keen on investing but at least has 1k savings in the MSCI World. For me 1.5-2.5k per month. And enough money left over for proteins
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf awesome man!!! 1k a month she's hitting the etf? Sick !!!!

Or savings subscription at Amazon 😂😂
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@Testo-Investor 😂😂 I don't know your house number. Must also be a low earner. Unfortunately, she's a bit hesitant with what she has. In my opinion, she has too much in call money and fixed-term deposits. She's more hesitant. That's okay too. Not everyone has a head for finances.
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf dude are you crazy ? 1000€ savings rate is insane as a normal person.... Awesome ! Order her a nice greeting! Brilliant !!!