
Money in the relationship

I've heard that German men are stingy (or they call it women's independence), when a couple goes out to eat, everyone in the relationship pays for themselves. Or when they go shopping in the supermarket, even a drink is not covered by the man and they split the payment. Is that also true? I find that a bit weird as a woman and not so romantic. But I also see generous Germans who spend a lot on their wives. What does generosity depend on? Is it individual upbringing or different incomes or something. If you are in a relationship, what is the ratio of shared expenses? Is it 50:50 or 40:60 or...? How is it with you?

Summary: I have read all your comments, there are great couples who work well together financially. I sincerely wish you continued long love and all the best. I think the model with a percentage contribution is good, i.e. whoever earns more pays more. I think the three-account model is good because you keep your freedom for yourself. And no, women don't just take food, you can also take turns paying for food so that it doesn't seem so stupid to separate every penny when paying. And thank you for paying for drinks as well

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80:20 for me. But she's the greatest mother in the world for my kids. So everything is more than okay.
Yes, I'm still stingy because I like to keep the money together. She prefers to spend money on creating wonderful memories. To put it plainly: male and female in our home are fundamentally different but have been in a great relationship for 18 years. No end in sight.
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What do you mean, as a man I'm supposed to pay for everything? There are always calls for equality, but the man is allowed to pay for some things because it's romantic 😅👍🏻
Well, in our case, I pay 90% because my wife is on parental leave 🙃👍🏻
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We don't separate anything. All our income goes into one account and all our costs are deducted from it. We're both very good with money, so there are no arguments. I think when you're married and there are children, there's no yours or mine. It's just us, a family. We do very well with it and are happy.
What's it like for you?
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We do 50/50 but it doesn't depend on every euro, just the rough ratio.

We usually take turns at restaurants.

I would also find anything other than ~50/50 strange because I grew up with equality.

Besides, as a man you can always be sure that you're not just being exploited for the money;)

When it comes to dating, it's not worth making a scene over a few euros, but if the woman offers to help pay, I really like that.

Some people also like to go on dates because they know that they will be catered for free.
I would recommend finding something casual for the first date, not an expensive restaurant.
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We did it this way: we pay a percentage into the joint account and then pay all joint expenses from that. At least until we have children. It's the fairest model for us so far.
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I almost always pay even if she doesn't like it. Sometimes I let her invite me, but as she's still in training and doesn't have much anyway, I don't particularly like it, it wouldn't really be any different afterwards. I don't mind, on the contrary, I really like doing it. I'm frugal, but I never want to be stingy, and I divide everything up nicely at the beginning of the month anyway, I invest what I want to invest and the budget to spend is just as important for a good life. The best moments in life, especially with the right person, cannot be traded.
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We don't have separate health insurance funds, so it doesn't matter who pays 🤣
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German halt 🤣
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I'm a student, my girlfriend too, neither of us has a high income, if at all, we just take turns, she pays for our meals, I pay for mine and it's the same when we go out to eat, usually we each pay for our own or we just take turns. And to be honest, as a man, I don't think it's so cool when it's always demanded that the man has to pay, by what right? 😅
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My partner is an entrepreneur and earns a bit more than me. Is she now also unromantic towards me because we make 50:50 or do I still have to pay for her because it's only romantic in one direction?
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