Feedback sur mon portefeuille

Hello everyone,

It's time for another little milestone post - today I reached a portfolio value of €25,000.

I know many people don't like it, but that doesn't matter for now.

I reached my last milestone, the €10,000 mark, about 10 months ago. A lot has happened since then.

Thanks to a change of employer last year, I managed to increase my savings rate to €1,200+.

Of this, €140 is invested in ETFs.

I currently have a significant overhang in individual shares. It all started with dividend stocks. However, dividends now only play a very minor role in my investment decisions.

My aim is to invest for the future in the long term, and I'm enjoying the topic more and more. Although I started early and had to learn the hard way here and there, I am now very satisfied with the development of the past 2-3 years. At the age of 26, many people haven't even started thinking about the future and investing.

I will probably use up the tax-free allowance of €1,000 for the first time next year at the latest, which is not a direct goal (I don't want to / have to use up this amount tomorrow), but symbolizes another stage that I have mastered. (It's a shame that this is set so low for small investors)

In my opinion, only 2 sectors are now missing from my portfolio - pharmaceuticals and commodities / mining, with my selection probably (as of today) limited to $JNJ (-1,21 %) and $RIO (+2,9 %) would fall.

I would also like to invest in a few Asian companies, which are currently on my watchlist. $005930
$7974 (+0,13 %)
$4507 (+1,49 %)
$8001 (+4,11 %) currently on my watchlist.

However, my portfolio shouldn't get much bigger and I will probably invest a little more in ETFs and reduce the savings rate for individual shares.

I look forward to any constructive feedback from you. :)

25 228,22 €
8,94 %
5 Commentaires

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If you want to reduce the savings rate for individual stocks, I would consider whether other stocks make sense. You don't have to cover every sector....
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You seem to have found a dear AG 😉

Why do you want to represent every industry? You can deliberately overweight certain sectors or leave them out.
Pharmaceuticals and commodities are sometimes tricky. 
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I would also set up ETF savings plans to increase the ETF share even more. And I would leave the individual shares as they are and just pick up a few snappers from time to time.
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Full focus on your ETFs. No further individual stocks

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