
Good day Getquin Community,

I am looking for a company that produces or sells semiconductors. The reason is a further diversification of my portfolio, in semiconductors I am not yet in it, except via the MSCI World. And at the moment there are some good buying opportunities. I am actually looking for a European company, since I have the American market heavily overrepresented in my portfolio. Now, besides NXP Semiconductors, I have found Elmos Semiconductors as a German company and Nordic Semiconductors.

What do you think of these companies?

Especially NXP I have in mind.

Or do you have other interesting companies for me that I have overlooked?

Thanks already for your Antworten✌🏻

3 Commentaires

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I think @dronix111 knows about NXP, if I'm not mistaken 🌝
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Here look, I think that covers your desire well. I have it myself. A2QC5J
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