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Here one is stamped yes directly... I have never mentioned that I invest a high sum, that are with me just 1.65% and that I can all times cope, in addition, the figures of Alibaba are fascinating... of course, one takes a risk with this government, however, the chances of return in the next few years are very likely...
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@Finanztherapie We also never mentioned that you have invested large sums ;) only that you have invested now. We wouldn't call that a stamp. We agree with your assessment and also think the timing of the investment was good. However, it is interesting to exchange views on this and to hear many opinions because, as I said, risk is perceived differently by many people.
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@rainbow_stocks the word risk is difficult to define and every individual has a different starting position... but you are welcome to debate it :) Lg
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@Krautworst I see it that way 👍🏻